Friday 8 June 2007

So my journey begins

Hi, my name is Bimpkin and as you can plainly see, I am a gnome.

But not just your garden variety gnome (pun fully intended). I am a jet-setting gnome, a soon-to-be world traveller, going where I have only ever dreamed of before!

The idea for this trip came from my good friends at The Museum of Hoaxes, who got the idea from the ever occurring 'gnome-nappings'. This is when a beloved garden gnome is taken from it's home one day, only to be returned some time later, accompanied by a photo album depicting the gnome in various touristy poses all around the world.

Well, there was no reason to gnome-nap me! I volunteered for the job! I will gladly venture over yonder to see the sights and experience the cultures of all the members who have agreed to host me. I will be proud to be the face of The Museum of Hoaxes!
And you, dear reader, can experience my adventures through this blog. I will post updates of my adventures, along with pictures as frequently as I can.

And now, to kick the whole thing off, I'm currently being hosted by Nettie who lives in Perth, Western Australia. Nettie will show me the sights of Perth for a couple of weeks where I will take full advantage of my digital camera to share with you the wonderful sights of the most isolated Capital City in the world.
I do have a couple of photos already to share with you, just my little way for us to get to know each other.

There's no guessing who this hunk of a gnome is! It is I, Bimpkin, the hero of this tale.

Now, in my short time here I have yet to encounter any Drop Bears or Bunyips, however I did come across this specimen of Jackalope. Nettie tells me it was sent to her by Alex, Mr MoH himself and I'll be sure to get a photo of a real mounted Jackalope when I'm visiting him!

Finally, this is Nettie and I. I look forward to have lots of fun during my stay with Nettie and look forward to regaling you with tales of out time together.

Well my fellow traveller, I leave you now, but it won't be long before I'm back, with more photos and more stories.
Until then, farewell!